It's funny how often we have talked about the "real" meaning of Christmas over the years. Even as we're so busy during the holiday season with shopping, giving gifts, having holiday parties, fellowshipping with friends, and eating, we've tried to continually remind our kids (and ourselves!) that Christmas is really about anticipating and celebrating the birth of Him. In spite of all of our efforts, if I'm honest, it really is easy for that "mai
So far I'm thinking that we aren't going to have that be quite as much of a problem while celebrating on this side of the ocean! It's amazing
I really want to try to find the right balance in making Christmas special for our kids. We so don't want to take away the fun and excitement that surrounds the holiday of the gifts, but at the same time we want them to have the deeper understanding. Kevin and I are trying to be intentional in building the anticiapation about what we are celebrating, and I've found a great resource! I have an awesome book that was given to us called The Adventure of Christmas that goes through and explains where a lot of the different Christmas traditions come from, stating the deeper meaning behind each and how they are tied to our faith. Yesterday I read one about the Advent Wreath (or Advent Calendar). Unfortunately, there are none of those to be found here in Tianjin, but the book offered a great alternative. It suggested wrapping up small pieces of candy in saran wrap and then tying a ribbon or string between each one--25 total. So you end up cutting off one piece of candy to eat each day--all the way up to Christmas day. The kids have already asked almost daily how many days 'til Christmas, so I thought this project would be a perfect one to give them a visual of our countdown!
We had fun making our "caterpillars" for our Advent Calendars, and they especially loved the first cut and piece of
Christmas here also provides great opportunity to be able to talk with others about what it is all about. I had a great conversation with a new friend here the other day who was asking questions about what we celebrate and why. Our conversation and her response was a great reminder of just how much of the world thinks as my friend does--believing that the One we celebrate is a great story, but not worth arguing about (or making a decision about, for that matter) the reality of who He was and still is. It's put it so into perspective for me this year to have it clear at least in my mind about the real m
The other photos are of some masks that Karis helped the boys make (all her own creative idea!) and then Karis wanted to take one of me with Noah. Pretty good photography skills for a 5 year old, I thought!