We heard someone in Dallas tell us that when their family lived overseas for quite a few years, they adopted the family motto "Find the New Normal", as things seemed to constantly be in flux. We've decided that we'll borrow that motto, as we're experiencing the consistency of constant change in our overseas living as well! It seems that as soon as we start to figure things out, something big comes along to throw us for a little bit of a loop. Our newest development is that after my fall down a few of our stairs while wearing slippery socks last Saturday night, one of the bones in my hand is definitely broken. I had the fun experience of going to a Chinese hospital this week and getting an x-ray, thanks to the help of some of our wonderful Chinese friends at school who were willing to join me on the adventure! (Once again, couldn't have done it without their help in being able to communicate!) The good news is that it looks like a clean break and they didn't put it in a permanent cast, so I can remove the brace as necessary, and I only should have to wear it for one month. And it is my left hand rather than right, so it could be much worse! PTL!
Of course this all happened on top of one of our more challenging weeks here. We had the whole house sick, expect Noah, at one point or another. We're pretty sure it was the flu circulating, but kind of manifested itself differently in everyone. Kevin had it the worst--being totally knocked out for a full 4 days and still not back to 100% a whole week later. Thanks to His grace and some miracle-working homeopathic flu meds I had, my case only lasted one day, and I have been TONS better since then. Again, a huge PTL, as I was obviously needed in taking care of little sick ones! All are on the mend, and we're looking forward to a fun home school co-op party that is supposed to take place on Saturday for the whole fam.
I may be a little behind on the blogging, as Kevin and I are still in negotiation as to how much I should be typing (since I have to remove the brace to do so), but will try not to leave all of you faithful blog-watchers out to dry! (I'm off the hook for now because Kevin left the house to try to go get his first haircut! I'm sure I'll have photos and stories for the next blog entry:)
The pic is of Karis and Eli being willing to learn how to wash dishes! (And the second was just Eli being silly. :) They were s