I just made a big purchase this weekend--a ($.99) song off of iTunes--Joy Williams "Here With Us". Most of you probably know this one well, as it is become quite popular to hear during Christmas time. I'm not too embarrassed to say that I've pretty much had it on repeat the last two days. It has been a poignant reminder to me of His abiding presence--something I've needed to experience as of late in a way more intense than my "normal". I think I've mentioned before that one of the blessings of being here in China is that we are away from the commercialization that comes with the holiday celebrating typical of the States. And it really is a blessing in so many ways. Without trying to create too much distance and give the persona that the Joseph family has arrived at some sort of spiritual level higher than the rest, the simplicity of the season, the lack of many materials things here we would WANT to spend much money on, and the fact that so many around us have so little in comparison make it relatively easy to truly say from our hearts that our Christmas wish lists are quite short. So I am thankful for being here in China during the holiday season largely for these reasons.
I will add, however, that the times of being away from family and dear friends around holidays is that much more felt on an emotional level. Add that to the fact that Kevin and I are both feeling the weight of the burdens we feel many close friends around us right now are dealing with, and I have to admit that I was feeling a bit of a knot in my stomach this morning. A feeling of restlessness. Anxiety. Like I had something to do that I'd forgotten or somewhere I should be going. I was very subtly convicted when Kevin returned home from class. After asking how I was and if he could do anything to encourage me, he offered to help however he could and give me time to go shopping or have some girl time if I needed it. I immediately started laughing, thinking back to how I'd spent at least some of the previous two hours that he'd been away from home--partly looking through recipes (all desserts!) that could all qualify as comfort foods by anyone's standards; and partly looking at clothes on-line! I might add that this is something I RARELY do (like maybe once a year!), and that it's also probably good that international shipping is too expensive to make purchasing anything much of a reality!!
So after noting that even though I thought I was doing great, I had actively participated in two activities (baking/eating and shopping) that were great windows to show the condition of my heart and my emotional state--and it wasn't where I'd hoped it would be! I had a great time listening to some music (specifically "Here With Us" and was reminded of how I've recently been encouraged by my husbands' reminder that should all else fall away, we still have Jesus--and He is enough!). My afternoon at class was much brighter after this perspective change, and because I'm sure I'll still need a few reminders through the season, I plan on keeping Joy Williams at the top of my playlist!
On a much lighter note, two shocking events this weekend that still leave me giggling--eggs and bruises! One of our Chinese friends came over this weekend who had celebrated Thanksgiving with us the week before. I've mentioned several times that the normal here is to bring gifts when you come to someone's house as their guest. So we usually get fruit, juice, or some other sort of food item. This time, we got eggs. LOTS of them. As in a box with 60 in it! And no, that is not a type-o!! I currently have a box with 60 eggs sitting out on my yang tai (a balcony-like area that is enclosed and really cold this time of year, right off of my kitchen and used kind of like a pantry). So I'm getting creative with how to use them all up in a timely manner. Lots of omelets and quiche this week, for sure!
The other big shocker was the bruise on the back of my friend's neck that I noticed on Saturday night. My two best friends here offered to come over and watch the kids for Kevin and me to have a date night. We did so, and had a blast eating at a hot pot restaurant we just discovered that is walking distance away and then getting coffee afterward (actually, hot chocolate, as we didn't want the caffeine that late and it's hard to find decaf coffee around here!). When we were visiting with my friends upon our return home, I noticed a bruise about 2 or 3 inches in diameter in the middle of the back of one of the girls necks. As I asked with panic about what happened, fearing one of my rowdy crew had caused the damage, she laughingly told me how the other friend there had used her index and middle fingers to repeated pinch her, all at the request of the friend wearing the bruise! The reasoning was all tied to the Chinese idea of medicine and well-being. The girl with the bruise had gone outside the day before with her hair still wet after showering, allowing cold air to "get in", as she explained to me. The purpose of the pinching was to relieve the cold air by causing the heat to balance it out, thus relieving the mild headache that the girl had had since going outside the day before with damp hair.
After hearing the explanation, I kind of just stood there with my mouth open, mainly because these two girls are my best friends here and I feel like I really know them well. But then I hear something like this, that they mean with all sincerity, and I realize how many deeply embedded differences we have! It really is quite mind-boggling some days, and can make me discouraged at times, feeling like the differences are more vast than any person can reach beyond. And then I remember back to the Work that has already been done, and the reminder by Joy Williams of just who exactly is "here with us"!
(The pictures are of Karis from her school Christmas performance this past weekend--which was precious! She sang and danced with the whole class and even had a speaking part. She was having an absolute blast the whole time, making Kevin and me so thankful for the school the kids attend! The other one is of Eli with our bunny, Bo!)