This week was a pretty normal one for the Josephs. Kevin and I began classes again, this time with new teachers for the summer term. We were surprised how easy it was to jump right back into class after a week off. I must say, the extra study time I had during my week of no classes really did help me in reviewing a lot of information that was kind of getting all jumbled together in my mind. Oh, and I made it through both days of class without shedding a tear--for which my teacher was VERY thankful, I'm sure!
Unfortunately, Kevin's back is still not doing great. He's tried all sorts of things--even acupuncture and some more "traditional" Chinese type medicine through a Korean doctor in the area, but he's still not close to 100%. The team begins traveling this week, so he's thinking he'll just keep working out with them when he can and try to be available as the season progresses in case it does work out. (The season, however, is only about 6 or 8 weeks long, as far as we can tell, so we'll see how quickly he recovers or if he gets injured once again!)
It's Saturday night right now, and it's only Noah and myself at home. Kevin took the older three kids to a movie theater that is pretty close by that is showing (hopefully!) and English version of the new Toy Story. The kids were super pumped, and we're hoping it's a good experience! We got such a laugh out of just getting the tickets. Kevin went to the theater yesterday to inquire about the movie times and one possibly being shown in English. He was told that there were no English showings yesterday, and they couldn't tell him yet if they would have one during the weekend or not. A little bit different from being able to look it up on-line, look in the paper, or call 444-FILM like you can do in the States! When I actually went to the theater earlier today to again inquire about an English showing and try to buy the tickets, I saw on the screen that ours were the only tickets that had been purchased for the movie--so there's a decent chance that Kevin and the kids will have the theater to themselves! Again, a slightly different experience from Stateside movie-going (and our first attempt at a Chinese movie theater). Will give a more detailed report upon their return. . . :)
Tomorrow (Sunday) Kevin is going with his friend Tony first to Beijing and then to a neighboring village. Tony has a friend who is a baseball government official and they have some baseball business there. He doesn't know exactly what he's in for, but thus far all of our exploring around China has been in really large cities, so going to a village in and of itself should be fun for him! Again, will give a more detailed report as the fun unfolds. . .