Thank you for your patience with us! We have just returned from our trip to Thailand where we spent the last two weeks, and our internet access was NOT what we were expecting! We had a great time of meetings and some good family time together at the end of our programmed time, and have returned home safely. While we were there, our internet server was down in the area for most of our trip, and then for whatever reason we couldn't get our computer to connect to the internet once the server was up and working. All that to say, we've been out of touch and are sorry! I've still been writing updates, which I will attempt to go back and publish now, to fill you in on the adventures of the Joseph family over the last two weeks of international travel!
The three pics you see here are of where our family was our last few days in Thailand--a place called Dolphin Bay that was the most kid-friendly place we've ever seen! There was a pool that was made for little ones like ours and the beach was perfect. Hermit crabs just asking to be caught all over the sand and ocean water shallow enough that even Hudson could wade out 50 yards on his own two feet without being knocked over by the waves. We had a blast!