Thursday, July 31, 2014

God Bless the USA!

We've been Stateside now for a month, and talk about a blessing!  We are eating our weight in hot dogs, hamburgers, Tex Mex, and Chick-fill-A.  We are stopping at every water fountain for a drink and taking off our shoes to walk in the grass whenever we get the opportunity.  We are escaping into the world of Christian music coming over the radio and soaking in as much time with our (all boy!) cousins as we can.  We are thrilled by the quick drive through options available, as well as the accessibility of sooooo many products at Super Target.  We've finally gotten new tennis shoes that don't have the soles worn through, and our wardrobes are updated with the latest (mainly super hero) fashion options out there.

But as much as we are loving and enjoying the month we've had here and the refreshment it brings, we still miss China and our friends there!  We are living out of a suburban that we're using for our six months that we are Stateside, and we've moved 7 times within the one month and 5 days that we've been here--so LOTS of packing and re-packing of our bags.  Not that they are filled with much, as I tried to bring on the bare minimum of our necessities, leaving room to make a lot of purchases over the next several months and have the luggage space to pack everything back to China when we return the first week of January.  I had a long talk with my best friend from China the other day, and it was more refreshing than I expected to be able to communicate in the language that has become so much a part of who I am, of who WE are as the Joseph family.

In this photo Karis is showing off her newly-pierced ears!  My mom and sister surprised her with me by meeting at the mall as part of her 10th birthday gift.  She handled the trauma with no tears and very little drama!

We've just spent the last 5 days at a training in preparing to switch companies.  The training is filled with others who are going overseas, too, mostly young couples who are just starting out on this exciting journey.  It's been so sweet to be one of the "veterans" here--no longer the chop stick rookies that we started out as 5 years ago when we first moved to China.  We've been able to share lots of our experiences and the mistakes and lessons we've learned along the way.  It's so sweet to have time of intentionally looking back and processing some of what we've been through in this overseas journey!

This photo is one of my favorite moments.  We were at a park in GA with friends Hudson discovered port-a-potties!  Upon entering, he closed the door and then continued to converse with me as I stood on the outside.  The words out of his mouth?  "Mom!  This is awesome!  I've never been in anything like this before!"  I encouraged him to hurry up with his business, not touch anything, and make as quick an exit as possible, in spite of his intrigue by the new experience.

When we finish here at the end of the week we'll be heading on to other parts of Florida, spending time with Kevin's parents and then my sister and her family.  We are so thankful for this extended time to have to re-connect with our precious families!  Without a doubt, the biggest sacrifice we make in living overseas is that shortage of time to spend with so many of our favorite people.  Thankful for the time we do have now!!!

And yes, our family did even make it to Disney World for a day--thanks to the generosity of G-Ma and G-Pa!